The Doll Dwelling
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5/16/2014 1:42 PM  #21

Re: Truth or Dare

Cool!  The roof trick was just being able to get up to the top of the scaffolding, then hopping over to the roof to sit on it. Probably not a great idea especially considering we were 6/7 at the time, but it was fun.

Sing a silly song at your brother;)


5/16/2014 1:45 PM  #22

Re: Truth or Dare

Lol, I loved doing things like that when I was that age! (And I stiull do, except with a little more care, lol.)

Okie-dokie! I'll do that when he comes home from our church's youth group barbeque.

Truth or dare?

I'm a banana, I'm Nikki! I'm 17 years old, and live in England. I love almost anything to do with the arts, as well as musicals (especially Phantom of the Opera and My Fair Lady), climbing trees, Disney, and the '70s! I'm a little bit crazy sometimes.;)


5/16/2014 1:51 PM  #23

Re: Truth or Dare

(Me too;))



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5/16/2014 4:24 PM  #24

Re: Truth or Dare

Jan here: Do you like strawberry ice cream?

Hello, I'm Saige Esther Copeland. (Jan's Saige . ), and I'm 10 years old. I am obsessed with old movies and old movie stars.  I also love Britt Nicole's music.

5/16/2014 4:32 PM  #25

Re: Truth or Dare

Okay Jan, truth or dare?

<3 acting, <3 singing, <3 volleyball, <3 cheer

5/16/2014 4:34 PM  #26

Re: Truth or Dare


Hello, I'm Saige Esther Copeland. (Jan's Saige . ), and I'm 10 years old. I am obsessed with old movies and old movie stars.  I also love Britt Nicole's music.

5/16/2014 4:38 PM  #27

Re: Truth or Dare

Hmm..go outside and scream "I'M A PINK SPARKLING UNICORN!"

<3 acting, <3 singing, <3 volleyball, <3 cheer

5/16/2014 4:39 PM  #28

Re: Truth or Dare

Mal<3Fashion wrote:

Hmm..go outside and scream "I'M A PINK SPARKLING UNICORN!"

(Marcia here: Oh she'll love that!!XDXD)

I'm 8 years old; I'd love to be friends!

5/16/2014 4:41 PM  #29

Re: Truth or Dare

Jan: I'm going....just a sec(I have sis for a witness!)

Hello, I'm Saige Esther Copeland. (Jan's Saige . ), and I'm 10 years old. I am obsessed with old movies and old movie stars.  I also love Britt Nicole's music.

5/16/2014 4:41 PM  #30

Re: Truth or Dare

UPDATE:  Dolls dare dolls, girls dare girls, kk?? Or do the little parentheses thing.;) 

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