So you know who dies? lol (XD)
Yes-_-XD I have a math class and there were people talking loudly about it before the teacher came in
Lol XD That's how I was with Captain America: Civil War (we watched it with a filtering program, though, so we didn't watch any of the cussing or over-the-top violence ) One of my friends spoiled EVERYTHING for me and completely ruined the entire thing. -__- XD Are you homeschooled but take a match class at a co-op or something?
XD Oh, Captain America: Civil War bugged me 'cause of that ending! GOOD GRIEF THAT IS SO NOT AN ENDING!-_- I was so frustrated. I saw the whole thing and I don't think the movie needed all the violence anyways, to be honest. The first "showdown" scene (where were they? an airfield or something, I don't know) was okay, but some of the others I couldn't help thinking that the same point could be gotten across in less time and less outright violence. I don't know. And cussing is never needed in my mind-I'll ignore it, but no movie needs that in my opinion.
I'm actually taking classes at the community college