I've got about £30 (around $50), and since my mini Kirsten seems to be a fake, I was thinking of using the money to replace her, but the customs boundries have recently changed, and I can't spend more than around $30 (even that's stretching), or I'l be forced to pay 20% on shipping and actual cost, plus a £12 delivery fee! So, I have to keep it cheap (for pre-Mattel items). I've researched the prices things tend to go for on Ebay, and I've found out I can't afford the going price for a glass-eyed mini doll that I can be assured is not a fake. I can afford certain dresses, and I have also found a slightly cheaper mini for a buy it now. But, someone's taken the mini Grin Pins and stuck then in the book, so I don't know if it';s worth it. I'd really like a mini doll, but an outfit would be nice too. What do you think?
I'm pretty sure the Mini Grin Pins are stickers. What if they won't come off? And, is your mini Kirsten actually cute, even if she is fake? If so, I wouldn't bother replacing her.
Well, I was thinking that at first, but I'm not sure. I can't get the doll's hair back, even after wetting it. it just went all stringy, so I put it in one braid down the back, but it looks strange, becuase my pet tiger nearly ate me and it's loose and I can't make it tighter. The girn pins are stickers, but I think they're the type that are easier to remove. I don't know though. The outfits I have my eye on go before the doll, though, so I think I'l watch them and see how high the prices go, and if they go very high, I'll go for the mini. Otherwise, I think I will get an outfit.
Try getting her hair in a bun. That might make it look better.
Sounds like a good plan to me! (Although it really sounds like you'd be 'settling' for the mini if you got her. Make sure you really want her before spending all your money.;))
I was going to go for the dress, since all the ones I like are ending tonight, but I think I'll wait and see what comes up, becuase my pet tiger nearly ate me and I know I can get an outfit for a reasonable price anytime, and I've just found someone who's listed a Pleasant Company mini Molly and Kirsten together, for a very good starting price, but badly titled, so they're hard for people to find. They don't have books or boxes, and Molly has no glasses, but they don't look fake at all to me, and they're in perfect condition otherwise, and I think I could make little glasses from wire. If they don't go high, they'll be very much worth it, and I'll be satisfied with them. If they go up too far, I'll get an outfit. I keep going between the two ideas, mostly becuase my pet tiger nearly ate me and $20-$30 is a lot to spend on a tiny little doll, but not that bad for a retired outfit. Then i tell myself I want the doll, so I should buy her, then I think that with 4 times that money I could buy an 18" doll, and end up saving. Now my room's getting crowded and it would be much better to get the mini or the outfit. I'm weird with things like this. I tend to just go for what seems more worth the money, but not what I would like more.
By the way, thanks for the tip about the bun. If I can get her hair to stay put, I'll try it. When i was twisting it up and down it did make her look cute.
replace the doll
Thanks guys! I got mini Kirsten and Molly together for only $20! I paid as much for them both as I would usually have to for one, and they're the older type, so that convinced me I wanted them. Most of my problem had been the price, and this way it was great! They came a couple days ago, and they're really cute. Well, they need their faces wiped becuase my pet tiger nearly ate me and there's some old glitter on them, but that's okay.
I also found Nicki's skiing set and an old AG gymnastics outfit really cheap on Ebay, so instead of using the rest of the money I gathered over my birthday on My Twinn shoes (my dad never makes me pay him back for things with money I get for my birthday ), I'll buy those. My dolls are going to be very happy this christmas...
Cool, Nikki!:D
I'm really glad I got the minis! I still can't believe the prices those outfits were bid up to! I really wanted Nicki's ski outfits, but it went up to over £30 (which I think is around $50)! Well anyway, I'm glad I didn't spend the money. Someone here in the UK listed MAG 22 and MAG 23 on Ebay, and I really want them both, as sisters, but can only afford one. (I'm incurable, I know. Every time I wanna get doll clothes with my money I always think "Oh, wow! I can get a doll!" and that's the end of the money, lol!) I got MAG 23 in the end. I won the auction this morning, so she should be here in a few days. I'm probably going to name her Patricia.
Last edited by DodgersGirl (11/19/2013 1:18 PM)