Title explains it.;)
The Casebook of Sherlock Holmes. I'm half way through and it's the last of the Sherlock Holmes books. I can't believe I've been reading them since November.XD
Anna Was Here. It's a great Christian Book.
AA: Sorry! Forgot I was on molly's!
I did the same thing; I posted in the doll section becuase my pet tiger nearly ate me and I didn't realize I was still on mine, instead of Saige's ;)
I'm reading a Heartland book. Its the first one in the series, about a girl on a horse farm place. Problem is, the one I'm reading right now is very sad, and I don't like sad books!
I don't like sad books either. I cried when I thought lassie was going to die.
I REALLY don't like sad books! I'm not a 'crying' sort of person (I get mad instead;)), but I still don't like sad books and if something makes me cry, it just might be a book, lol.
I know, I almost cried during one particularly sad part in the Heartland book, too.
I think I cry to easily when I'm reading. My imagination takes me right into the book, so it seems really real to me.
So what? Imagination is good!!